Summary Variable - Salesforce CPQ
Hello Everyone,
Welcome again to my Blog.
It's been silence from some time, but I am back with another interesting feature provided by Salesforce CPQ.
In my previous blogs, we have learnt about Pricing Water Fall Model of Salesforce CPQ.
Today we are going to learn about Summary Variable in Salesforce CPQ.
Summary Variables provides a way to do mathematical operations on fields which can be used further in Price Rule, Product Rule and another Summary Variable.
Let's have a look at different fields available on Summary Variable object.
- Target Object: This defines the object that has the field based on which we wants to apply math. Following are the values we can select from:
- Quote Line
- Product Option
- Asset
- Subscription
- Aggregate Function: This field is used to specify which mathematical operation we wants to perform on the selected field, Following are the different functions available:
- Sum: Sums the values of selected field.
- Average: Calculates the average for the selected field.
- Min: Finds the minimum values for the selected field.
- Max: Finds the maximum values for the selected field.
- Count: counts the number of records matching the criteria.
- Aggregate Field: This field is used to specify the field name on which we wants to perform mathematical operation.
- Filter Field: This field is used to specify the field name based on which we wants to provide the criteria to filter the records.
- Operator: This field is used to store which type of comparison we wants to perform.
- Filter Value: This field contains the value which we wants to check against the filter field.
- Constrain Field: If we wants to further reduce the records retrieved based on above filters using Quote field, that can be possible using this field.
- Composite Operator: In case we wants to club another summary variables calculation outcome with a new one. we can use this field for the same. We can choose from following values:
- Add: Makes addition of other summary variable's value or static value with current variable's outcome.
- Subtract: Makes subtraction of other summary variable's value or static value with current variable's outcome.
- Multiply: Makes multiplication of other summary variable's value or static value with current variable's outcome.
- Divide: Perform division of current variable's outcome with other summary variable's value or static value.
- Variable Element: This field is used to reference existing summary variable to perform composition with current summary variable.
- Variable Value: This field is used to provide static values which can be used in composite calculation.
We can use summary variable with following Salesforce CPQ objects.
- Price Rule:
- We can create price conditions referencing summary variable as Filter Variable or Tested Variables.
- We can also use summary variables in price action to set a field's value based on Summary variable's outcome.
- Product Rule:
- We can create error conditions referencing summary variable as Filter Variable or Tested Variables.
- Quote Terms:
- We can also use summary variables as tested variable in quote terms.
I Hope this article may have helped you to better understanding the use of Summary Variables available in Salesforce CPQ.
Please reach out if you have any feedback/query/suggestion.
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Mehul Parmar
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