Percentage of Total Pricing - Salesforce

Hello Everyone,

In my last article, we learnt about how a product can be priced using Block Pricing

Today we are going to see how can we price a product as few percent price of other products in the cart.

We will focus of following things while learning:

  • What is Percent Of Total (POT) pricing?
  • How to setup Percent of Total (POT)  pricing?
  • Percent of Total pricing for Bundled & Non Bundled products?
Please have a look at following Video Tutorial to learn how Percent of Total pricin can be setup using Salesforce CPQ.

  • Non Bundled Product

  • Bundled Product

Please also subscribe to SFDC Learning to learn from the video tutorials.

Feel free to reach out with suggestion/feedback.

Mehul Parmar


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